Friday, January 24, 2014

Protine shakes!

I have been hitting the gym this week trying to build up muscle groups and when doing so you have to feed them and shuttle hydration to them. 

I do to understand why people put a bunch of complex ingredients in their protine shakes to supplement their muscles. When doing that you are actually making it more difficult for the protine shakes to do their job. 

So the reason I think people put other stuff in them is to make them edible! So that being said my husband uses water. Yuck! But I have found by mixing them in coconut milk and/or almond milk they still break down easy and they are drinkable. One thing I don't understand is why they have sugar substitute in them, if they are suppose to be healthy. I know when trying to train your body you want to avoid sugar but it is horrible for our bodies!
I guess the benifits out waigh the risks?

Have a Fit&Healthy Day! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 3 weigh in

Took a little longer than expected but... Better lat than never I suppose. 
This week has been very busy my comment ment hasn't been as strong but I have been out of my normal routine! 
Recap of my week... Sunday visit with a friend from out of town while girls had a play date, then afterwards drove up north to spend a few days with the folks I did get one work out in up there.
That takes us to Thursday and Friday worked out at home and cleaned and cooked. Saturday I reactivated my gym membership:0 and Sunday I went to 4 stores and made dinner. Blah blah blah ok now for my results for this week. I have to say I still made progress even though I wasn't very dedicated this week.  
Well I am happy with the results:) I hope this progress stays continuous! 

Have a Fit&Healthy day!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Postponed weigh in

Do to our family trip to the gym I am doing my weigh in tomorrow. We are finally on track...the whole family! Granted half of us are 8 months and 2.5 but I am happy my husband is jumping on board:) we are on track for a Fit&Healthy summer:0 I am really ecstatic! So tomorrow I will update.
Have a Fit&Healthy day!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lean gumbo.

My attempts on keeping my family healthy are starting at the main source of energy (food). I rarely buy premade anything. I have been cooking and experimenting with foods for over 12 years. And during those 12 years the last 3 years I have made myself very aware about preservatives and the industrealization of food and what the effects they have on our bodies. Let's face it, our "food" and food processing techniques are detestable, I can't believe the things that happen to our food is legal. But that's a joke all in its self! Well...this will turn in to another dicuession if I proceed. 

Back to the topic lean gumbo. Well in gumbo you can add any meat you want poultry, pork, beef, fish. I never measure ingredients and you don't have to because there is no exact science it depends on what you want the flavor to be. Cooking is not a process that you just add water and vola! It is a project that you put thought and work in to and that also reflects in the flavor as well!! Proof: I have made meals that people have said I don't like that, and because I am sneaky I feed it to them and they say "OMG this is delicious what is this??" 
So this gumbo is one of my faves, because it is extremely versatile and depending on what you put in it is very healthy. Start off with tomato sauce fill the pot 1/2-3/4 full. Add your mirepoix to the sauce which is a fancy term for onion, celery and carrots 50/25/25 ratio depending on the batch size you are making. Simmer for 2-4 hrs. In a seperate pan if using raw meat cook and drain fat. Remember if using seafood add ten minuets before serving. Then you want to start your seasoning. You can always add more but you can not remove! Take that warning seariously. Be sparing with spices until you have a good idea of their flavor and/or power. These are the spices I use cayenne (very spicy) Mexican chili powder, cumin, salt, peper, paprika, file (flavor/thickener) bay leaves, Cajun seasoning Tabasco sauce adds a good flavor to this dish! I am cooking for two small children as well so I will just add some to my bowl. In my picture diagram you will notice that the Mexican chili powder is missing. I ran out and improvised with emerils bayou blast. It's not the same flavor but it worked! I also love lagumes... all of them! So I will tend to throw some in for added protine and no fat! Because I have 3 meats in this batch I am going to pass on the beans. Also, it's your meal be creative add other veggies like spinach, diced tomatoes and/or zucchini. Don't forget okra pairs great with this dish as well! If you want it to be more filling add cooked rice to each serving. Do not put the rice in the gumbo because the rice will absorbe the liquid and then the gumbo gets to dry and the rice gets mushy. 
Enjoy a healthy home cooked meal with a whole lot of protine! 
Have a Fit&Healthy day! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 2

I was a bit apprehensive about my weigh in and measure this week but to my surprise I made some progress!! I do want to correct my original waigh in was off by 10lbs I had 150 and it was really 140. I owe this to my genius of keeping my scale on carpet. Well here are this weeks results...
In comparison to last week...
Well I have to say I am impressed with the results of the 7 minute workout. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Chaos and Guilt

Ok, I have not been very diligent the last couple days:/ but a lot has gone on!!! 
My best friend is in town, both my girls came down with a flu bug, had a ton of laundry to catchup on, and because moms can't nurse a hangover, went grocery shopping with a todler and a baby😵 

I can say I am back on track today. I had mentioned earlier I am trying this 7 min work out routine with 12 intense full body workouts, was day 2 and it's not that bad! We will see how much pain I am in tomorrow. If not that much I micht try doing it twice in a row. I love the pain from a good workout! 

I am going to share the current fitness tools/apps I am currently using. 
Weigh in an measure is tomorrow post workout I hope there are some results:/ I don't feel that much thinner😬 but I have slipped on my diet a little. But now I am back on track! Fingers crossed for tomorrow. 

Stay Healthy&Fit!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New circuit:)

I am excited to report I found something that has potential to be pretty cool! It's a 7 min workout program. I am trying it as it's design for a week and then I am going to tweek it week by week dependent on my weekly results. And I know I haven't used any free weights yet put that is in my near future! 
This app is available at the App Store. I first seen the add on facebook for the one for purchase I never buy with out trying apps! A lot of them have bugs and I would be pissed if I paid and it's garbage! So I did some digging and found it free to try:) 

I will be adding more intense work outs and bump up the frequency to twice a day 6 days a week. Even my day off I was playing with my Gugu bee by running around and skipping and other moves relay style, and then played in the snow. I hope to see some results in my next weigh in on Saturday! Well...that's all for now enjoy this pic of Gugu enjoying the snowpocalypse:)

Have a Fit&Healthy Day!!