Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week 3 weigh in

Took a little longer than expected but... Better lat than never I suppose. 
This week has been very busy my comment ment hasn't been as strong but I have been out of my normal routine! 
Recap of my week... Sunday visit with a friend from out of town while girls had a play date, then afterwards drove up north to spend a few days with the folks I did get one work out in up there.
That takes us to Thursday and Friday worked out at home and cleaned and cooked. Saturday I reactivated my gym membership:0 and Sunday I went to 4 stores and made dinner. Blah blah blah ok now for my results for this week. I have to say I still made progress even though I wasn't very dedicated this week.  
Well I am happy with the results:) I hope this progress stays continuous! 

Have a Fit&Healthy day!!

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