Saturday, January 4, 2014

What is FOOD? My passion to define!

In 2009 my eyes were opened! My eyes were opened to the industrlization of food and what that ment for me and my family! What is food? It's the products we buy from the store right? That's what I thought...but to my surprise I couldn't be more wrong. I seen a doucmentary "Food Inc" it opened my eyes to our food industry. From that day forward I tried to cut out as much processed food as possible. 
(If you asked a child whicth picture represents where food comes from which one do you think they would pick?) 
In the top is my favorite farmer Joel Salatin. 
Now to answer my question what is food? Or what does our body recognize as food? Nature had a plan for us and we should follow it! Say I have two ears of corn next to each other. One from a Mansanto farmer and one from a home or organic farmer. 
They are both the same right? Well judging by appearance... sure!! But what about their genetic composition? Well if we add a few components here and there to make them stronger won't hurt right? What about add pesticides to the DNA?  
This is the first engineered additive in food in 1984, classified safe by the FDA and that caused ems disorder that killed and diabled many! 

Well this is what we get...our body is suppose to consume the chemical code of vegetables! That means if we mess with its DNA is going to tell our body we are eating something other than food. And our body is not sure what it's is in it's chemical form and then attacks it, notice the spike in inflimation in America especially GI issues. 

General comparison eating plastic food for real food is just as safe! No! No it's not! So sorry for the activist crash corse but I am very passionate about the subject! 

So now I look at ingredients rather than nutrishion lables (lies, lies, lies!) if you can't recognize the ingredients neither can your body! Likely they are made with GMO corn, wheat, alpha, cotton seed or soy and those 5 are 90% GMO crops. Stay away from these in packaged foods unless labeled non gmo or organic. 

I have been making food from scratch for a while now and as time goes on it gets easier and more fun! And processed food start tasting like garbage!  

I will be posting a lot of my creations and thing I like to whip that is healthy for my family! 

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