Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New circuit:)

I am excited to report I found something that has potential to be pretty cool! It's a 7 min workout program. I am trying it as it's design for a week and then I am going to tweek it week by week dependent on my weekly results. And I know I haven't used any free weights yet put that is in my near future! 
This app is available at the App Store. I first seen the add on facebook for the one for purchase I never buy with out trying apps! A lot of them have bugs and I would be pissed if I paid and it's garbage! So I did some digging and found it free to try:) 

I will be adding more intense work outs and bump up the frequency to twice a day 6 days a week. Even my day off I was playing with my Gugu bee by running around and skipping and other moves relay style, and then played in the snow. I hope to see some results in my next weigh in on Saturday! Well...that's all for now enjoy this pic of Gugu enjoying the snowpocalypse:)

Have a Fit&Healthy Day!!

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