Ok here it goes...week one of my new year! I did start the day after Christmas changing my eating habits.
This is the first weigh in and measure. Makes me sad but it is also encouraging too see me looking better and feeling better!
My work out has been very basic! I started off by getting my heart rate up by dancing goofy with my toddler she looooooved it! Then I did some basic floor exercises and Yoga/Pilates mixed. I will begin and end each exercise with stretching to reduce soreness and avoid the chances of injury.
Day 1: very basic. 5 min stretch, 2.5 min silly dancing, 15 crunches,15 knee to elbow crunches, 15 sec scissors, 3 sun salutations, 5 min stretch.
Day 2: 5 min stretch, 20 jumping jacks, from www.toneitup.com (TIU) I did the abs portion w/ 3 abdominal exercises 30 reps each, 4 sun salutations, 15 cat cow (a few of them with my toddler on my back) 5 min stretch.
Day 3: 5 min stretch, 30 jumping jacks, (TIU) abs 30 reps per 3 exercises, 4 solider-3 w/side planks, 20 squats, 25 standing elbow to knee crunches 25 side bends (hands on head) 5 min stretch.
Day 4: yoga day, tree, solider-1 extended soldier-3, side planks alternating sides, cat cow, boat 10 breaths, cycle 2xs.
Day 5: 5 min stretch, 40 side to side jumps, 20 floor raised leg to arm crunches, 20 stability ball pass off, 20 chop squats, 20 side plank crunches opp knee to elbow, 20 lunges, cow ball (balance on all for on stability ball) 30 sec 3xs. 5 min stretch.
Day 6: strictly cardio (free play w/kids), 40 jumping jacks 3x's, 40 side to side jumps 3x's, 30 sec skipping in place 3xs, stairs run 3x's, run in place 30 sec 3 x's, do cycle 4x's, 5 min stretch.
Day 7: Free day.
This was my routine for week 1. As weeks go on the intensity will grow. I am going to try to change it up often! To challenge my body and muscle groups so they don't get complacent. This will be something fun for the kids to be involved in too, especially older kids. Also, this will install great life habits for them too! Week 3 or 4 will be my cleanse and the exercising will be light and not as frequent. Thank you for joining me on my journey please feel free to ask about any work outs or suggest new ones! Stay happy and healthy~Angie